Friday, July 29, 2011

Laundry Hampers: A Better Option Than the Floor or the Treadmill

hamper from ctoon canvas

Looking for a hamper that's cool enough that family members might actually use it? Take a look at the lovely hampers from Lovell Designs. [via Ohdeedoh]

felt laundry baskets in red and purple

Hey-Sign has felt laundry baskets, in grey and in bright colors; you can buy them here.

laundry basket from Vetiver root

Another unusual option is this laundry basket made from vetiver, a "deep growing and naturally aromatic root." The vendor says that "the natural aroma of the vetiver root hamper should keep even the dirtiest laundry smelling fresh."

African basket hamper

And then there are the stunning baskets made by the Wolof Weavers of Senegal; they're "woven from a local grass and plastic strips recycled from used prayer mats." You can find them Swahili African Modern, VivaTerra, and Connected Goods.

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7 Special Laundry Hampers
6 Laundry Hampers from Around the World


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