Wednesday, April 13, 2011

2011 Spring Trends: My Thoughts

I'll be discussing some spring trends that I like here. Because I don't really like to rant, I won't put any spring trends that I don't like in this post (there aren't a lot), but if you would like to have more of these "trends+opinions" posts, please let me know in my poll on the side bar!

Lace + Sheer

Now, lace and sheer have been going on for a while, but since warmer weather is creeping on us (slowly, here in Washington), I really haven't seen a lot of it....

Which I hate!

I really like the sheer/lace trends because they're so light and playful. I'm glad lace has moved on from being just lingerie, and that sheer is no longer completely considered risqué. I desperately want to get a sheer maxi skirt! It's a great way to bring a statement without exposing skin or wearing metal (uhm, Lady Gaga, that's ridiculous!).

I aim to get this one. Since I'm so short (damnit), it'll be a maxi-skirt on me most likely. 

Crop Tops

And another trend that I LOVE is incorporated with lace:

I've always loved crop tops and that's another trend for Spring.... but I wear crop tops during any season XD

Wide-legged + High-waisted

Another trend that is going is flared/bell bottom jeans + high-waisted EVERYTHING

I, personally, am not one for bell bottoms. I actually have a pair of high waisted, bell bottomed pants that I love (but currently can't fit into at the moment), but because I am so short, these sorts of pants totally drown me out. I honestly look a lot better in a slim, straight leg jean, and sometimes skinny jeans.

So that pair of high waisted, bell bottomed jeans I own will be transformed into a pair of shorts so I can go for my favourite look (at the moment) which is nautical! So classy + timeless, but that is a whole other post!

Flatforms: The new platform?

Flatforms are another emerging spring trend that is on the rise. I think these shoes look hecka awesome! However, they also look sort of dangerous.

I want to wait and see these appear in more stores. I don't really want to buy something that could go out of fashion just as quickly as it arrived.

Stylish Comfort

Comfy clothes is another trend. 

It is something that is definitely going to carry into Summer, because it'll be warm so who wants to wear layer upon layer or tight clothes! I support this 100% because I am about style+comfort, so you can bet my personal coordinates will have lots of loose clothing.

Tail Hems

And the last trend that I'll talk about today is tail hems. I love these. They're so unique!

I want to own a dress with a really short cut in front (thinking about mid-thigh to knee here) with a drastically long tail in the back (about ankle length). I've always loved these because they speak classy to me. I don't know why, but they do.

So these are all the trends that I'll discuss! Hopefully soon, you'll see me in some personal coordinates wearing these trends. I know I haven't been good about those, but it's because right now, I'm at a strange stage in my weight-loss where my "usual" clothes are starting to get too small and my "small clothes" are still a bit tight, so I'm kind of iffy about having my picture taken of clothing right now. But as soon as I get to my goal weight for this month, I'm sure the clothes will start looking nicer.


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