Sunday, November 30, 2008

1. Advent

Happy 1. Advent everyone. To celebrate the start of the Advent season I spent the day with my family, lighing the first candle of the Advent Wreath, decorating the house and eating freshly backed christmas cookies.

cardigan - Zara; blouse - H&M Trend; skirt - by Alma H.; tights and shoes - somewhere in Tokyo; bag - Accessorize

excuse the preppy-ness but I was feeling a little festive =P

S for Saturday and Snowboarding

On Saturday I went snowboarding with my friends. It was only my second time on a snowboard (I used to ski) but I think I did pretty well with the good instructions from my boyfriend. But now my entire body is so sore that I can hardly move. I fell so many times on my ass, my arm, my knees...I got bruises everywhere and the worst muscle soreness I've experienced in my life so far...haha. So now I'm going to spend the rest of the evening in bed, watching Gossip Girl.

The weather in the mountains was absolutely perfect <3

Friday, November 28, 2008

I just ordered this lovely silk dress on ASOS - it's perfect for new year's eve! I love the back and the bead and sequin detail.

I was made for you

Teen Vogue Dec08/Jan09 - from fakingfashion

This picture is beyond cute and I want all of the girl's clothes, including that cool tiara/crown thing on her head! <3

It's -6°C today I left the house feeling like an onion with all the layers I'm wearing and my thick wool turtle neck sweater. But when it's this cold I'm far from caring about anything other than keeping warm. ^o^

Thursday, November 27, 2008



Disponible en Tienda

Go to Store

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

It's still freezing cold here which makes leaving the house a bit of a pain in the ass. But fortunately I have my warm and cozy winter coat to keep me warm. It becomes sort of my uniform these days.


I've been looking everywhere for our old Polaroid camera but no luck. Just to find out that my sister who's living in England took it with her...#%&!

from olsen-files

P.S: Yesterday I received the laredoute leather pants I had ordered a couple of weeks ago but the fit was horrible. =( They looked so promising on the website. I had ordered them in two different sizes, one was waaay too big and the other one fit me okay but the legs were still way too wide and not skinny at all (as pictured on the website).

guess what

I'm really not a big fan of GUESS, more of the opposite. But I have to admit that I am quite fond of this studded watch I just discovered:


I plan on going to Geneva to do some Christmas shopping and I think they have a Guess store there. I will definitely go to take a look at this watch. And while I'm there I will also look for the buckled boots that Ninja posted on her wonderful blog. ^o^

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Matthew Williamson for H&M

STOCKHOLM, Nov 25 (Reuters) - Swedish fashion giant Hennes & Mauritz said British celebrity designer Matthew Williamson would create its next guest collection.
Williamson will start with a women's range at some stores on April 23, followed by men's and women's summer clothes to be offered from all H&M outlets from mid-May.

from reuters
How exciting is that? Matthew Williamson's designs are very fresh and colorful: perfect for spring. I can't wait to see what they come up with.

Sunday, November 23, 2008


Snow is here for the second time this year and I hope that it will stay a little longer this time. It was freezing cold the entire weekend and I had to pull out my warmest winter jacket and wrap myself in a huge scarf to stay warm but I liked it. The snow makes me makes everything look so clean and pretty.

I hope all of you had a nice weekend. Mine was a bit stressful - I spent my entire saturday sitting a business English certificate exam. But I did treat myself with a little shopping afterwards ^o^ I bought a silk blouse at Zara which I'm going to return tomorrow as I think it's too expensive for the quality.

I'm going to leave you with these wonderful pictures, I love the mixture of artwork and photography. And just how amazing is that fringe dress?


Oh and thank you, Jamie for featuring me. I am so flattered. <3

Friday, November 21, 2008

virtual shopping spree

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Pajama Party

Dolce & Gabbana
2009 Spring Milan RTW
"Pigiama Barocco"
Classic gentlemen's silk pajamas, spotted or striped,
bejeweling in the hair and on brooches.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Channeling Blair Waldorf

My work outfit today was heavily inspired by Blair Waldorf...I guess that's what overdosing on GG into the middle of the night does to you >.<

I love dressing a little preppy for work. I would probably never wear this in my free time because..well for me it's work attire and I like to dress different in private. I mean I have to dress appropriately for the office every day so I love to wear things I couldn't wear to the office whenever I get the chance. Hope that makes sense to you-

<3 YSL

listen to your body tonight it's gonna treat you right

biker boots - vagabond; dress - Zara; cardigan - American Vintage; beanie - H&M;

It's a shame you can't see the dress better on the pictures, the cut is slightly asymetrical and it cosists of different layers.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Whenever I'm lacking inspiration, I take a look at this.

Alexander Wang Fall 08

Monday, November 17, 2008

zara coat

I tried on this amazing coat at Zara the other day after the boyfriend called my attention to it. It's so beautifully cut and the details are really nice. But unfortunately it's also quite pricey considering I don't really need another coat for winter >.<

Sasha looks absolutely perfect in it.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

do you want coffee or tea? what did you dream about last night?

good morning people.
today should be a good day. I will go to a contemporary art exhibition and tonight I'm invited for dinner at a friend's place. I only have to decide what to wear...jeans or a dress?
Have a good Sunday!

Elle UK - December 2008

Saturday, November 15, 2008

the perfect saturday

breakfast in bed. shopping. having coffee with the boyfriend. finishing the day at the hot springs.

ice washed jeans - Cheap Monday; cardigan - Zara; bag - ShopLush; beanie - H&M; lace-up booties - H&M

The hot springs were so nice and relaxing...mmhhh I should really do this more often.

What are you thinking of, Ashley?

How can one look so good when wearing just a simple sweater and jeans...


Интервью Макса Никастро (Max Nicastro Interview)

Очередное мини-интервью из архивов. На следующий день после чата с Абделкадером, удалось списаться с  Максом Никастро.

Интервью наш разговор, конечно, назвать нельзя, но кое-что о нем удалось узнать. Поговорили немного, т.к. он находится в Виннипеге и время особо у него не было:

Я: Привет, Макс! В первую очередь - поздравлшяю с победой (сборная США выиграла юниорский чемп - моё прим.)! 4 очка в 5-ти встречах - отличный показатель!
Никастро: Привет! Ничего себе - в России тоже про меня знают?! ))) Спасибо огромное за поздравления! Это было невероятно! Очень приятно выигрывать такие турниры!

Я: Начнем с главного события этого лета - тебя задрафтовал Детройт! Что скажешь, какие эмоции?
Никастро: Я счастлив, что именно Ред Уингз. Признаюсь честно - я не ожидал попасть в Детройт. Поэтому абсолютно ничего не знал о системе Ред Уингз, как у них все устроено, как и кто работает с игроками и т.п. Но теперь, когда я попал в эту систему, я вижу - это реально лучшее, что есть в Лиге. Вобщем, я очень рад, что попал в Ред Уингз!

Я: Осенью ты уже побывал (хоть и неофициально) в тренировочном лагере Новичков - что скажешь, удалось уже с кем-то подружиться, наладить контакт?
Никастро: Ну, прямо чтоб подружиться - нет, но общались со всеми. Веселые ребята, хороший коллектив. О ком-то я уже слышал, а появление некоторых ребят было для меня сюрпризом - скауты Крыльев не особо обсуждают с проспектами кандидатуры других проспектов..! )))))) (А парень типа с юмором )) - моё прим.)

Я: Макс, скажи, кумир есть? Хотя, я конечно догадываюсь, что ты ответишь... )))
Никастро: Честно - есть. Лидстром!

Я: Ну теперь к делам сегодняшним - ты здорово начал сезон - 7 очков в 9-ти играх! Как сейчас дела обстоят?
Никастро: Ага, этот сезон, кажется, может стать лучшим в карьере - сейчас у меня 8 очков в 10-ти играх - так много на старте я еще не набирал!

Я: С такими результатами, должно быть, за тебя многие универы будут биться! Ты уже определился со своим будущим?
Никастро: Да. Этот сезон я доигрываю в Чикаго, а на следующий год поступаю в Бостонский Университет. Буду играть в NCAA.

Я: И сколько ты планируешь там торчать? ;)
Никастро: Ну я естественно хочу после первого же сезона в универе попасть в Грэнд Рэпидс, но это тяжело. Если не получится, то поиграю в универе 2 года, но, конечно, я расчитываю с первого раза попасть в Гриффинс.

Я: Ну ладно, не буду отвлекать - удачи!
Никастро: Спасибо!

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